Sundays 9 am - 10 am

FAQ ~ Pastor Chuch Hayes
January 07, 2018
In this class, we will discuss many relevant questions about Christianity such as: If God loves us why is there so much evil and suffering in the world? Why is the Holy Trinity important? How does one listen to the voice of God? How can we live authentically Christian lives in a world so full of temptation? How can I read for better understanding? Bring your questions and join with us in the search for answers.

The Words of Jesus - Jeff Everhart
January 07, 2018
There is a lot of confusion in the world about what God's expectations are and how to apply them to life. Some is honest lack of knowledge and some is Satan propagating the same exaggeration from the garden, "Did God really say...?" The answer for each instance is the same: go to the source. God has provided us with the cheat codes for life if we'll just listen and follow them. In this class we ill be looking specifically at some of the words recorded straight from Jesus. We will discuss their context and what it really means for our lives so that the next time we are challenged in our faith, we can be equipped with the right answer.

Children & Family - Pastor Kent Davenport
January 07, 2018
This class is for all kids Pre-k through 6th grade. But this class is also for parents! We will be learning about God's Word, God's Love, and God's Call. While the class is for children, parents are encouraged to come and learn alongside their children, as we will also be learning about having time together with God as a family. (Parents are also welcome to attend a different class).

Being a Christian Witness: A Collaborative Study - John Sooter
January 07, 2018
We will study what it means to "be a witness" and how that relates "to witness". The class will not be a "sermon before the sermon" - it will be a time of sharing and exploring what the Scriptures say and what we know and discern. As a class we will pool what we can find, know, and perceive through our study. It means we all contribute.

Thrive - Joyce Riggs
January 07, 2018
"Thrive" is a Sunday School class for singles who wish to see Jesus through prayer, worship, and studying of His Word as it speaks to us right where we are today. God's desire is that you would thrive in your singleness - that your commitment to Him would continually grow deeper, that your love for Him would be without limits! Join us as we seek the Lord together, living in God's perfect plan for each out lives, knowing that it is His desire that we should THRIVE!