Children's Sunday School
Sunday - 9 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Infant & Toddler - in the main church
Elementary - in the main church upper level
Youth Sunday School - gym
Children’s Church
Sunday 10:45-11:45 AM
(begining September 2023)
1st Sunday: Music Sunday with Joe and Steve learning great Sunday School songs for kids
2nd Sunday: Living a Godly Life with Linda and Bob learning about how to live in a way that praises God
3rd Sunday: At the Movies with Brenda L with videos and activities based on a scriptural topic (The Adventures of Odyssey and/or Veggie Tales)
4th Sunday: Missionaries at Work around the world and other ways to be a "missionary" for God in our own life with Pamela and Jason
(Pre-School through Starting Grade 5)
EPIC - The Caravan ministry exists to help elementary-age children become more like Jesus by encouraging their growth in the four specific areas mentioned in Luke 2:52: mental (wisdom), physical (stature), spiritual (favor with God), and social (favor with men).
Caravan is a time for children to learn how they can grow in all areas of their lives. It also helps children develop an appreciation for and understanding of Nazarene heritage and beliefs.
Contact the church office with any questions
Vacation Bible School happens almost every summer.
We are having a one day VBS on July 15, 2023. This will be for PreK to Grade 5 and we plan on having with BBQ and ice cream afterwards.
For additional information and how to register please click:

VBS 2022 was held around the end of July 2022 with Mel LaMar.